Tuesday, April 24, 2018

'For the Sake of Award' to Dr VP Gangadharan

Rotary is an organisation which gives prime importance to each person's vocation. The highest recognition Rotary gives an individual for his vocation is the 'For the Sake of Honour' award. This year, Rotary club of Payyanur Mid Town honoured renowned cancer specialist -medical oncologist-, Dr.VP Gangadharan, with that award. 

Dr.VP Gangadharan has several firsts to his credit.
1.Kerala's first medical oncologist.
2.Introduced chemotherapy in treatment of cancers in Kerala.
3. Formed Kerala's first stem cell transplant unit in Government-Regional Cancer Centre- and private.
4. Authored several pioneering researches in the field of cancer.
5. Established free palliative clinics for treatment of cancer
6. Life time mission of educating people about cancer and specially in dispelling myths associated with cancer.

We could not have chosen a more apt person to present this award. In a well attended public function, the award was presented by Commodore Kamlesh Kumar, Commanding Officer of Indian Naval Academy, in the presence of Assistant Governor CT Narayanan, President, Secretary,Vocational Chair Rtn.Mahendran, Charter President Pramod and Charter Secretary Dr.Anil. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Women's day celebrated

Womens day is celebrated every year on March 8th. This is a symbol of emancipation of women and thier empowerment to be treated as equals in society. 

On that day, Rotary Club of Payyanur Mid Town celebrated Womens day with a series of activities designed for the mental and physical health of women.

Starting with talks by Ann Remavathi on empowering women and Ann Suprabha on mental strength. This was followed by a 1 hour session of Zumba, which combines dance with exercise. The idea was to increase both mental and physical fitness.

Pulse Polio Day Observed

Eradication of Polio is Rotary's greatest service ever to mankind. Pulse polio is the program to immunise the kids en mass, to boost herd immunity, which is conducted yearly. We participated in it, on March 11th at Ramanthali PHC. District Governor Sivasankaran inaugurated the function and Dr Santhosh Sreedhar and Dr Vinay Kumar were present on the occasion.  

Runners up in Regional Football Tournament

We were runners up in the regional football tournament hosted by RC Trikkaripur on March 10th. RC Cheruvathur were winners. 

Books and materials to Edanad East LP school

 At the request of the school authorities, Rotary Club of Payyanur Mid Town donated a book shelf and books for the classrooms. The project was jointly organised by us with our Rotaract Club. Rotaract President Sreerag and Secretary Vishnu are alumni of the same school, making this project even more special to their hearts.

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